Daybreak in Israel with owner/founder Dr. Larry T.

Photos by Dr. Larry T., Owner/Founder of Platypod
Words and Edits by Eryka Bagwell


On a recent trip to Israel to visit with family, Dr. Larry T. found himself at daybreak observing the vast countryside from a balcony and thought, 'What a great opportunity to shoot three completely different photographs using three different lenses.' He quickly reached for his Platypod rig, set up his camera, and began shooting. In his behind-the-scenes (BTS) capture below, Dr. T. used his Platypod eXtreme strapped to the balcony railing along with a Platyball Elite to both level and also help reposition his camera at various angles as well as using his Platypod Disc to mount his camera.


For these images, Dr. T. used a 28mm, a 50mm, a 112mm and finally a 135mm to capture the closer shot of the roadway in front of the buildings.




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