Infrared Photography in Oak Creek Sedona Arizona
Intro by Chamira Young
In the fun post below, photographer Bob Coates shares amazing images he recently took in Arizona. Read on as he describes how he found his inspiration, as well as how he used his Platypod in the process!
Text and Photos by Bob Coates
Oak Creek Sedona, Arizona - This spot on Oak Creek is about 15 minutes from my house to the parking lot. Add in the hike from the parking lot down to the creek, and it makes it a half-hour trip. It's worth all the time I spend there! I enjoy all the different looks that appear in nature. Creek flow increases and decreases, the trees get washed away and grow back, and of course there is the changing of the seasons.
I was heading down to see if I could get some late fall color. Initially, I was a little disappointed it was quite a bit past prime, but it turned out to be my lucky day! It enabled me to concentrate on Infrared captures. I had my Panasonic Lumix GH4 with me, which recently had been converted by Life Pixel Infrared.
Setting up the camera on the Platypod let me to easily get a low angle, which was perfect for reflections of the glowing leaves on the placid water.
The setup:
I processed the files in Photoshop and took them for a run through NIK Color FX Pro 4 to add a little Tonal Contrast, Glamour Glow and a touch of sepia tone.
The final images are below. Honestly, I’m not sure which one I like better: the one concentrating on the view, or the one with the story that fall is just about gone, featuring the lone sycamore leaf in the foreground!
The Final Images:
Check out more of Bob’s work at and