Platypod eXtreme: Small tripod with a large range of applications
Words by Levi Sim
Edited by Eryka Bagwell

Levi Sim has been a close friend practically since the inception of Platypod. He is currently the official school photographer at the University of Utah and writes for Photofocus. He tells people he's a photographer, but he really does more than just take pictures. His professional photography is primarily commercial work for businesses, both small and large, and he really helps show how great it'd be to work with those companies.
He recently began to explore the range of capabilities that our Platypod eXtreme has to offer and was very pleased with the results. Some of these are showcased in this post and others can be viewed on his website and social media sites. Levi also writes regularly for and is the co-author of various books on Adobe Lightroom.
To read more about Levi Sim visit his website at
To learn more and pre-order your Platypod eXtreme visit our website.