The Burrowing Owls nest

Words by Eryka Bagwell and Johnny Pascucci

We've really lucked out with the weather the past few weeks allowing for more time in nature and outdoors. Quieting our minds from the hustle and bustle of daily work life and disconnecting from (most) technology. For those of us that are passionate about our artwork tend to carry a few extra items to help snapshot the contentment and wellbeing that we seek when we venture into nature. 

Johnny Pascucci a fellow photographer and Platypod hobbyist, found one of these very moments at a local park, in the Fort Lauderdale area, where he captured a set of burrowing owls nesting in the trees nearby. He had already attached his Platyball to his Platypod tripod and carefully set up his shot. His results are captivating! 

"I've been using the Platypod for years now and like Scott Kelby has said, No one in Europe or the America's ever stopped me from using it. I was very satisfied with it. I recently heard Larry Becker talk about the Platyball and researched the product a bit more to see how I might be able to apply this to my work...I ordered my Platyball Elite.  I watched all the videos before it arrived and then I worked at home to put learning into practice. These results were my first outing with my Platyball Elite and I must say, I loved it! The leveling feature worked smooth and was extremely accurate. Everything was perfect. Now it's an essential part of my travel bag. Not to mention, their customer service is outstanding."

Visit our website to purchase your Platyball Elite as well as your Platypod tripod to capture your perfect angles today!