The Dutch Baby with Moose Peterson

Words and Photos by Moose Peterson, A Platypod Pro
Edited by Eryka Bagwell


"The Dutch Baby is a regular breakie for us. It comes out of the oven full of air from the baking process and once it's out and rests for a bit, begins to deflate letting out a puff of steam in the process. It was a natural choice for me when selecting my subject for the Platypod food challenge. The Z 8 / Z24-120 supported by the Platypod was first set up. The old barn wood was next with an empty skillet put in place. The Profoto A10 with Octa was next and a couple test shots taken. Everything had to be dialed in (as I had less than a minute once the Dutch Baby was removed from the oven). Then there was just the wait of twenty minutes while it baked. A minute prior to removal, everything was turned on and the path cleared from oven to set. The rest, well, was simply delicious!"


Be sure to view more of Moose's incredible work at his website


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