The Handle – As simple or as complex as you want it to be with Dave Williams

Words by Dave Williams - A Platypod Pro
Edited by Eryka Bagwell 

The Platypod Handle, the newest member of the family, is being delivered worldwide right now after the Pre-orders have been packaged and shipped out this week. That means that regular ordering (and a slight price increase) will commence. In light of that, it’s time to share some Platypod Handle tips geared towards vlogging but applicable to photographers as well! I want to warn you that you will see an outrageous rig – don’t say I didn’t tell you!

The Platypod Handle serves largely as a grip and riser. It extends and halves in height easily and the top cap features eight ¼”20 threads that can be used to attach a variety of accessories using the Gooseneck, Elbow and Mini Super Clamp all available on Platypod's website. Personally, I use the Handle to help attach pieces to camera as part of my vlog ( and after using it for a few months I was able to really put it through its paces and test the limits and capabilities it offers. The Handle can be used in as simple or as complicated a way as you want. 

For the simplest rig, the Handle can simply attach to the camera to add a little extra extension and stability. Having something to hold rather than just holding the camera itself gives you far more control and it removes the arm from the edge of the frame, making everything look cleaner too. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that have the most impact.


Adding some balance with the Platypod Elite and Platypod eXtreme helps in two ways. Firstly, it’s a lot easier to put the rig down when you need to or use it to film a stable shot of anything else and secondly, it acts as a counterweight so it becomes a weighted gimbal. The gimbal effect will smooth out and stabilize the footage a little more than using the Handle alone, so this is never going to be a bad idea. And that leaves just one other option: 


The absolutely ludicrous! This looks like overkill and it is, but it makes a point: - Anything that has a ¼”20 thread can be attached to the Handle or the eXtreme using a Gooseneck or an Elbow, and the Clamp can hold a little more between its pincers. This rig has a Røde Videomic pro, Hollyland Mars M1 screen, two LumeCube lights, and an Insta360 X3 in addition to the things we had before. The point is that additional accessories can be mounted in multiple locations with ease, so vlogging becomes easy with any other gear.

The Handle is perfect for vloggers and does its job perfectly. Platypod strikes again with another epic piece of gear for your arsenal!

There are a few ways that you can view more of Dave Williams work, one is on his Instagram another is on his YouTube channel you can also find Dave on the Platypod Official Users Facebook Group.

Visit the Platypod store to check out all the new sales to boost your creativity. Click Here

If you have a final image and behind-the-scenes (BTS) using your Platypod gear that you’d like to share with us and potentially be featured on our blog, social media and (potentially) monthly newsletter, please contact us via and/or