The Newest Review of the Platypod eXtreme

On April 6, "Dr. T" launched Platypod's eXtreme Kickstarter campaign on "The Grid" with help from Scott Kelby and artists Lizzy Gadd and Kris Andres. We're down to the last week and to date, almost 1500 photographers have taken advantage of the campaign and the opportunity to get one of the first units, along with some great savings!
With just seven days left to the campaign, and on time delivery, we will be shipping orders for June and August as expected. Here's the link to the campaign!
Frederick Van Johnson recently took the eXtreme out for a spin and just published the attached. Check out his short video as he puts the eXtreme to the test!

The Platypod eXtreme is here!

A few weeks ago the folks over at Platypod sent me one of their new Platypod eXtreme devices to try out. The timing was great as I was just about to hit the road for several trips. And any opportunity to lighten my load is welcomed!

Check out this short video for some perspective on the device...

Occasionally, a product shows up that you didn't know you wanted or needed. But when you try it, you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Platypod is one of those rare products. And the company's latest iteration, Platypod eXtreme, takes an already solid "platform", and incorporates a healthy dose of weight reduction, user feedback, and overall refinement.

The result is what may likely become a permanent addition to your camera bag.

Have a great week!

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